Thursday, February 28, 2008

I fix the book case and Ashley thows them down!

Ashley just wanted to get those darn books! She really wanted to get a certain one ! And Look she Got all of them.. Why do I try!!?? And of course Big brother in there trying to help out!! And now she is still reading the same book... Baby 123... she loves that cow on the front!! She is so funny, she wont put it down!! Oh gosh..what shall I do..clean up or throw more books!
Olivia and her Mommy were kind of dorks!! Here is Olivia and Opal (daycare girl) they had babies in there belly!! hehehe so funny And a Picture of Olivia's Eye.. Its healing up..still a pretty bad scar, but it will go away! !! Thank God for Antibiotic Oitment!

Ashley loves to stick out her tonge

Well when I stick my tongue out at Ashley she sticks it right back at me! Its so funny And she is so serious about it too!! She is so funny!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Another Day at the Hospital

Well..we spend another day at the Hospital today..Olivia fell in the living room and hit her face on the coffee table.. its was really scary but as always St Mary's took good care of us. This Picture is Jayden..some time yesterday he lost another tooth (3) now..and have no idea where it went..we cannot find just fell out! :) Ms Olivia..Poor baby..what a trooper..3 stitches and some bong hold it together! She is trying to smile here, but it hurts she says!
Another smile..she is so loveable Olivia and Jayden..looking all grown up... Brother and Sister.... Jayden...Lost his tooth.. Thanks....for looking..and we are doing well..she is going to have Tylenol!!!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Jayden doing his valentines!!

Jayden is working on his valentines for school this week!! he was excited to pick out certain ones for his friends at school..he is becoming such a big boy this year since school started.. I can't hardly believe it!! Great Job Jayden!!

More friends pictures

Ashley playing peekaboo with Sam again.. Keeley..she is Olivia's age..she is so good and cute too!! Me!! Ashley got a cute bear angel from Dana, petra and Sam.. it looks great in the bedroom next to ashley's bed! Petra loves her cupcake!! Olivia had a rough day..she was really crabby by 6 o'clock!

Friends at the party

Daddy, Olivia and Jayden... Petra..My friend (dana)s little girl she is 16 months Olivia, Sam (Dana's boy), Opal (Sarah's Girl), and Keeley..(Connies Girl) Joey, (Connie's Boy) and in the back in the swing (Sarah's little boy) Hudson Sam playing Peek a boo to Ashley...

And she eats her cake too....

Ashley is in for the count...she does not want to use her hands after a she slam's her face right into it!! And again...over and over.. It was so funny!! All the way from forehead to chin.. it was the funniest thing........ And she giggles!! she thought she was quite funny!!! look behind her in the glass case it's a picture of her feet when she was first cute!!

Pictures of Ashley getting ready to eat cake.

Ashley and her Highchair decorated... Her cake again........ Excited... it's coming.................. YES!!!! Its here......................

Ashley's 1st Birthday Party

It was a hugh success!! Ashley turned 1 and we had a blast... here is pictures of her hand and foot! Along with a home made cake from me jayden and olivia.. Hurray!!! I ate my 1st cake... what a mess!! This was aten on Feb 7, 2008...her real birthday... Here is the cake that my Friend Sarah made..she copied a bib that I bought ,,,and made it on the cake..she is very tallented !! If anyone ever needs cake decorated..let me know I will hook you up! Heres the cake...WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Heres the bib..................

Tuesday, February 5, 2008