Friday, March 28, 2008

Tricked the kids

I did buy the kids some candy for Easter..and I tricked them..I bought them all Warhead's..and it was quite sour!..I don't think they will eat any more..and I dont think they will be getting any cavities from this year! hehehe ..

My Brother and his wife to be..Hallie

Well the otherday, I had a knock on my door..and my brother and soon to be wife Hallie (April 12, 2008)..showed up at my door..Now my brother lives in Ashland area (mason, wi)..and came to visit the was a plesent surprise..and was very nice to see them.. Olivia and Hallie Hallie and My brother (Arch)

Living room decorated..

Sorry about the bright lights from the window's..but I was not sure how well it looked, inthe was pretty messy I am sure!! Here is a few pictures of the house with all the deocations..and furniture moved back in.. Ashley posing in the dinning room.. And down the hallway...

Egg Coloring...

The kids have been asking for weeks to color eggs.. and we finally did it 1 day before easter!! It was a blast..I feel bad that I did not include Ashley..but know..she would have made a mess!! And she was already in bed for the night too!! :) Jayden's pretty Blue Egg..his favorite color! The pretty egg's that they have started.. Olivia is showing us her's too..not realy sure but it looked pretty greenish blue
They are getting ready for a fun night of coloring .. Ms..Divia Olivia..loves her egg's Mr. Shyman...dis likes pictures...but he worked with me today.. otherwise no candy from the easter bunny.. Pretty blue fingers.. Pretty Green fingers..

Egg Searching

The Easter Bunny Laid 55 color Eggs this year..and the kids made sure that they found everyone single one of funny.. Jayden counting his eggs making sure..he was getting his total! Jayden..checking out the color..he was only suspose to pick up Green blue and Yellow one's Olivia..the darn Bunny laid one in the Trucks Grill.. :) And it not warm out, but Olivia took her sweet time looking around.. and they were only just a few steps in front of her... silly girl! :)

Ashley's Mohawk

Ashley finally has enough hair for a mohawk!! Look Jen here is the sideview! I think she is catching up to Declan!!
Soon she might have enough hair for a pony!! ..and you know I will try to pull that little intoone too! hehehe

Bath Time

I tell Ashley ..SwimSwim and she tries to drown her funny Gettting to be a big girl...standing all by herself now in the tub!! (Little Dare Devil) This is what she looks like after coming up from under the water ... maybe some swim lessons Ash
And of Course Olivia..your turn next!

Ashley finally walking

Well finally after 14 months of trying to get her to do it..she finally got it!!

She is going fast and getting better and better everyday..

We have been working really hard to get her to walk..

We had a doctor appointment early this week and he was concerned..but that made Jason and I more aware of what we need to do..and that's not hold her so much! Its so hard to not hold her..she is our last baby and just wanted to keep it that way I guess!!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

floors are done

Living room Front entrance - with marble tiling hallway dining room Kitchen

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Flooring in Working order

Here are a few pictures of out new flooring...It's in working order still..this is day 1 of construction.. The men have been cutting, nailing, sawing..and making much noise, while I was doing daycare for the ..and yes I will be closed on friday... More pictures to come....

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Jayden and Ashley

Ashley is feeding Jayden a pop sicle...

Ashley and her Mommy!!

Ash and her MOM!!!

Olivia and her BFF (Opal)

The girls ...

Removing Carpet..

Here is the wood that will be installed on Thursday..YEAH Starting of taking the carpet out of the living room... And More... We got it all out... picture of the dining room..and jason getting ready to remove this part too..